Kingsman Academy Bus Routes & Schedules
If the current routes do not pass near your home, please let us know at or (202) 547-1028 so we can adjust the routes to meet your needs.
2019-2020 Bus Schedules
Route A:
7:35am Southern Ave & Pennsylvania Ave S.E.
7:40am 3800 Alabama Ave S.E.
7:45am 2800 Alabama Ave S.E. (in front of shopping center)
7:50am 1500 Block Alabama Ave (in front of shopping center)
7:57am 4139 Wheeler Rd S.E. (in front of shopping center)
7:59am Chesapeake & Southern Ave. S.E.
8:02am Atlantic St & South Capitol St S.E (Auto Zone)
8:05am Malcolm X & MLK Ave SE (in front of Popeye’s)
8:10am Anacostia Metro Station
8:15am 1900 Block of MLK SE (Martin Luther King & Good Hope Rd)
8:20am Minnesota Ave SE at 18th St SE (bus stop going toward Penn Ave)
Route B:
7:35am Lane Pl & Kenilworth Ave NE
7:40am 1535 Kenilworth Ave NE (BP Gas Station)
7:42am 4800 Minnesota Ave NE (Deanwood Metro Station)
7:49am Division Ave & Blaine St NE
8:00am G. St & Ivory Walters Lane SE
8:05am Benning Rd Metro Station
8:10am Minnesota & Gault Pl NE
8:13am 3760 Minnesota Ave NE (Allen House Senior Apartments)
8:15am 3413 Minnesota Ave NE (Ely St & Minnesota)
Route C:
7:40am 2424 Saratoga Ave NE (Parking Lot)
7:50am 1930 West Virginia Ave (in front of the Church)
8:00am 900 Bladensburg Ave NE (in front of the 7-Eleven)
If you have questions about transportation or if you need help getting to school, please call the school at (202) 547-1028 or email